Mission and Vision

AUSD Mission

The mission of the Alhambra Unified School District is to ensure the educational success of all students by having a comprehensive educational program where students can learn and become productive members of a diverse society.

Park School's Vision

In cooperation with parents and community, the teachers and staff at Park School will strive to provide a learning environment that will nurture the students’ development of:

  • A positive self image
  • Ideals and values of a democratic society
  • Social and academic skills
  • A life-long love for learning
  • Appreciation for cultural diversity

and to support the District's Mission by providing all students A.C.C.E.S.S. through:

  • Academic Rigor,
  • Collaboration,
  • Community and Parent Involvement,
  • Environment that is Safe and Supportive,
  • Specialized Programs and
  • Student Success

Park School's Mission

  • Enhance the Balanced Literacy Program with an emphasis on writing skills Improve math scores on multiple measures with all subgroups
  • Improve attendance of low performing students
  • Improve the academic achievement of Hispanic students
  • Improve school safety
  • Improve the science program, utilizing the scientific process and hands-on strategies Enhance the use of G.L.A.D. and ELD strategies in the classroom
  • Improve the Visual and Performing Arts program
  • Increase parent involvement and participation